
Do picture speaks louder than words?

  Do picture speaks louder than words? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Source: google images Hope you understand the hidden message Thanks for reading, Also share with your friends..

What negative effects does technology have on the brain? By Ronna Glickman.

  I highly recommend the book, “Glow Kids”. Read the preface and first 22 pages  WITH  your child. Your child’s brain is still forming. When gaming many hours a day, the brain matter actually changes over time. Google CT scans/before and after gaming for long periods of time. Share this information with your child. As a child grows, the child needs many different stimuli in their world. They need to be outside, be physically active, read, learn a life skill such as cooking or doing laundry, play a board game, build with toys. They also need to learn how to have a conversation with another person. And, it’s ok if kids are bored. The down time is usually a time when kids get creative. Another negative effect is the dopamine. Video games and social media sites were designed to keep one hooked. The longer a child plays a game, the harder it is to become unaddicted. Their brains will crave more and more of the dopamine. If you have ever watched a child (even a baby) have their...

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People From Stephan R Covey.

  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People from Stephan R Covey. 1. Sharpen the saw . Don’t work yourself to death. Strive for a sustainable lifestyle that affords you time to recuperate, recharge and be effective in the long-term.   2. Be proactive. You have a natural need to wield influence on the world around you so don’t spend your time just reacting to external events and circumstances. Take charge and assume responsibility for your life.  3. Begin with an end in mind. Don’t spend your life working aimlessly, tackling whatever job is at hand. Have a vision for the future and align your actions accordingly to make it into a reality. 4. Put first things first. To prioritize your work, focus on what’s important, meaning the things that bring you closer to your vision of the future. Don’t get distracted by urgent but unimportant tasks.  5. Think win-win. When negotiating with other, don’t try to get the biggest slice of the cake, but rather find a division that is...

How do you know if someone is mature or not?

  How do you know if someone is mature or not? 1. Comfortable solitude: They like to be alone and don't need friends or people around them. 2. Accept differences: They accept that everyone is different and have different views. They don't need everyone to think or act like them. 3. Emotional independence: Financial and emotional independence from parents. They tend to make their own life decisions. 4. Treat others correctly: They don't belittle or make fun of others because it's not their way to gain self-esteem. They are confident. 5. Take responsibility: They don't blame others for their own failures, they try to take responsibility for improving the status quo, rather than complaining. 6. Listen more and speak less: They have two ears and a mouth, and the proportion of their use is the same. 7. Honesty: They don't try to cheat or manipulate others for their own benefit. They put their wishes on the table and it doesn't matter if the others walk away. 8. M...

What are some ugly truths of life?

  What are some ugly truths of life? Children play with everyone until a parent tells them not to. Nobody is born racist. No one is born hating another person because of the skin color, background or religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love for love comes naturally to the human heart than the opposite. No one should be made to feel they could die because of the color of their skin or because of their religion.

What are some pictures (without text) with deep meaning(s)?

  What are some pictures (without text) with deep meaning(s)? *Simple yet Powerful* 1.There are two kinds of people 2. Patience. 3.Relationships. 4. True words 5.There are people who are the journey and not the destination. 6. Conquering your demons. 7. Wait for your perfect one. 8. Never compare yourself with others. 9. With patience and lots of love , you can tame all her demons. 10. Be happy for small achievements , It will make you happier. 11. Unexpected things are the best. 12. Everyone is blessed with different talent. You just need to find yours. 13. Love the way you are because everyone is beautiful in their own way. 14. Better leave your past behind and never look back. 15. Every step takes you closer to your goals. 16. Picture says it all. 17. Get up and start again . Don’t give up.