Five shocking facts !!


1. Bees can sting other bees.

16 Shocking Facts That Will Turn Your World Upside Down

  • What we think: Bees can only sting hapless humans and other big animals.

  • Reality: Bees from one colony can sting bees from another colony if they attack. The queen bee can sting her rivals and other queens to death, even if they’re just developing

2. Adult cats shouldn’t be given milk.

16 Shocking Facts That Will Turn Your World Upside Down

  • What we think: Milk is the perfect food for cats. It’s for a good reason that all cartoons and ads show us this image.

  • Reality: Adult cats are intolerant to lactose, a milk sugar. To digest it, the feline digestive system must contain the enzyme lactase. Young kittens produce plenty of lactase, so they are pretty milk tolerant. But as they grow up, lactase production rates decrease. For mature cats, drinking milk can lead to a stomach disorder – most often diarrhea

3.         A car’s rearview mirror can be switched to nighttime mode.

  • What we think: It’s terribly uncomfortable when the light of another car’s headlights reflecting in your rearview mirror is glaring right in your eyes. But there is no getting around it.

  • Reality: Most cars have manual rearview mirrors. SIf you have one, just flip the tab at the bottom of the mirror. The angle of the reflection will change, enabling you to see everything behind without being blinded.

 4.Chameleons don’t change color to blend into their surroundings.

16 Shocking Facts That Will Turn Your World Upside Down

  • What we think: Chameleons change their color when in danger to blend in with surrounding objects, becoming invisible.

  • Reality: This animal’s skin color change is caused by its emotional and physiological state. It is also an original way of communicating with their kind. Light and temperature also play a part in how chameleons look.

5. The expression "Third World countries" doesn’t have anything to do with poverty and underdevelopment.

  • What we think: The term "Third World" refers to poor developing countries.

  • Reality: After World War II, the world split into 3 large geopolitical blocs. The bloc of democratic countries within the American sphere of influence became known as the "First World"; the Eastern bloc of socialist states was the "Second World." The remaining countries not aligned with either of the 2 were regarded as the "Third World."


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