Which degree is better, engineering, business or computer science?

Which degree is better, engineering, business or computer science?

Why not all three?

Three degrees in four years is completely within the reach of a modern human being armed with a laptop.

There are three things you should do:

  1. All of them are important. None of them is complete in their own rights.. The society intentionally teach you only a part of “knowledge”, so you won’t be able to stand alone.
  2. If you learn engineering, you can always learn business later. But if you learn business, you can never learn engineering later.
  3. If you major in engineering, you will be an engineer in 30 years. If you major in computer science, you will be jobless in 30 years. If you major in business, you will be a CEO or at least a salesman in 30 years. Which one sounds better?

In my career I have met several people who did multiple degrees. Elon Musk did engineering and business at undergraduate school. A former student of mine, Jack, did mechanical engineering and electrical engineering majors in three years. A professor friend of mine, Mark, did three undergrad majors in three years - electrical engineering, chemical engineering, and business.

CS job will be as common in the future as a brick layer.


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