How do you identify a smart person in 3 minutes?
How do you identify a smart person in 3 minutes? For what? Let me ask you a question, Who wins in a race between a cheetah, human, horse and wolf? Quite a few will hazard a guess that it is cheetah as since childhood we have been told this ‘Cheetah is the fastest animal’ fact. However, Cheetah wins only if it is a short distance sprint like 100 m race. Cheetah has poor endurance and limited stamina. It is not built for long distance races or marathons. And coming to the long distance race, If the temperature is low, wolf wins, followed by horse. And if the temperature is high, human wins, followed by horse [1] . Just like that answer, Smartness derives its ultimate value from where you want to use it. You want to find that smartest person to send him to a quiz show, or put him on a short-term project with high-end results, or want him to solve a world’s problem or just do what you say on time? The person who is best-fit for one may not get you an equally amazing result...