What are some basic truths about human psychology?
What are some basic truths about human psychology?
- People with creative minds tend to have a harder time falling asleep at night, they prefer to stay up later.
- We forget 90% of our dreams within the first 10 minutes of waking up.
- A person who becomes angry easily, often over silly things subconsciously desires to be loved.
- Listen carefully to how a person speaks about others to you. This is exactly how they speak about you to others.
- People who easily get distracted are more creative and tend to have more IQ.
- Nearly 40% of men don't feel confident while meeting women for the first time.
- When you fall asleep while over thinking, the mind remains active as if you were awake which is why you tend to wake up tired.
- People with low self-esteem tend to persecute, bully or humiliate others.
- The person who brings out the best in you and makes you strong, is actually your weakness.
- If a person cannot cry, it means he/she is too weak.
- You are more likely to be easily attracted to someone you have no chance with.
- When we are happy we enjoy the music. When we are sad we understand the lyrics.
- Men are more attracted to women who posses a bone structure that resembles that of their mothers. This is called “sexual imprinting”.
- When people are being watched, they behave better.
- The first to apologise is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.
- When you're single, all you see are happy couples and when you're committed, you see happy singles.